Topics A-Z, Employment Law Hub
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Absence & Sickness
Case law, articles and HR best practice related to short and long-term sickness and absence management; rehabilitation; return to work; sickness absence reporting.
Annual Leave & Holiday Pay
This section contains the latest commentary, articles, case law reviews and webinars relating to a wide range of leave entitlements and holiday pay
Artificial Intelligence
The latest developments in artificial intelligence in HR
Brexit & European Law
The latest articles covering the employment-related implications of Brexit and European law
Collective and Trade Union
Information and guidance on collective employment matters such as trade unions, consultation and industrial action
Comparative Law
We outline the key differences between Great Britain, Ireland and Northern Ireland employment law
Contracts of Employment
We provide a wide range of resources on contractual issues including employment status, types of contracts, contractual terms and variation of contracts
Updates on the employment-related implications of Covid-19
Data Protection and GDPR
Information and guidance on data protection requirements including subject access requests, cyber security, freedom of information data privacy
All of the latest articles, case law reviews and webinars providing guidance on handling disciplinary matters.
Information and guidance on the rights and responsibilities around the protected characteristics eg. gender, age, race, etc.., bullying & harassment, equal pay and modern slavery
All of the latest case law reviews, articles, legal commentary and webinars providing information and guidance on issue around dismissals
Diversity & Inclusion
In this section you will find a wide range of resources on creating and promoting a culture of Diversity and Inclusion in your organisation
Employee Engagement
In this section you will find all the latest commentary, articles and webinars to help organisations improve their level of engagement
Family Friendly Rights
In this section you will find all the latest commentary, articles, case law reviews relating to important family friendly rights
Flexible Working
This section explores a range of a-typical working patterns including the gig economy, apprenticeships, casual, term time working and other non-traditional arrangements
Grievance and Disputes
All of the latest articles, case law reviews and information relating to the resolution of grievances and other disputes in the workplace
Health and Safety
All of the latest case law reviews, articles, legal commentary and webinars providing information and guidance on health and safety matters for the workplace
This section keeps you up to date with all the latest developments in immigration law and requirements for employers
A wide range of articles, commentary, case law reviews and videos providing helpful guidance for employers to provide support for employees going through the menopause
In this section you will find a wide range of articles, commentary and case law reviews covering a broad scope of pay related matters such as holiday pay, deductions from pay, etc
Updates on legislation related to pension schemes; pension age; pension eligibility; pension contributions; taxation on pensions; auto-enrolment
Issues concerning probation policy; probation periods; probationary reviews; probation checklist; employers’ obligations during probation; termination during probation
Recruitment and Selection
Articles, commentaries, case law reviews and videos relating to recruitment and selection processes and the inherent challenges in keeping these effective, fair and discrimination free
Articles, commentaries, Q&A's and case law reviews concerning redundancy consultation and notification, selection and termination of employment on redundancy grounds
Remote and Hybrid Working
The latest articles, commentary, case law reviews and webinars related to remote and hybrid working
Transfer of Undertakings (TUPE)
A wide range of articles. Q&A's and case law reviews concerning the application of TUPE
Tribunal Practice, Procedures & Jurisdictional Issues
In this section you will find articles and case law reviews which relate to the jurisdiciton of employment courts
A range of helpful articles, case law reviews and resources to help employers promote wellbeing in their organisation
Whistleblowing (Protected Disclosures)
In this section you will find articles, commentaries and case law reviews relating to public interest disclosures or whistleblowing
Working Time
A wide range of articles, commentaries and case law reviews relating working time issues including hours of work, rest breaks at work, time off work etc
Education (for Schools and Colleges)
A range of articles and resources for school and college leaders
Personal Development
A range of articles and resources to aid your personal development
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